Sunday, October 7, 2012


Sometimes, I need to remind myself that this blog isn't so much about taking hot pictures, trying fiddley recipes, or stretching myself in the kitchen as much as it is about keeping in touch with you lovely ladies. To that end, here's a random smattering of weekending food pictures. Enjoy!

Spicey cranberry chutney for Thanksgiving turkey tomorrow at my in-laws' - it's fermenting with kefir whey, which creates all the little pockets of air you see. Isn't that amazing? Just like the way bread dough gets loose and airy, so does this lovely medley (made with roasted cranberries, roasted onion, roasted garlic, and roasted hot peppers, with salt, pepper, crushed chillis, raisins, and um, did I put in cumin? I don't quite remember - all put through the KitchenAid food grinder attachment, mixed with about 3 tbsp kefir whey, and stirred into a mason jar. It should zingy!).

We enjoyed a stroll and some food at the Atwater Market this morning after Mass - SO MANY PUMPKINS!! You can see our church, St Irenee, in the background there.

Amazing RED pumpkins with wee cute pumpkins in the background. Aww! Ambrose goes crazy for pumpkins of all shapes and sizes.

I made Tony cinnamon-raisin rolls with leftover pizza dough this afternoon. (On a related note, I am back on wheat - it was just too hard/expensive/trying to do without. Whatever. But I am officially fasting from cane sugar with my friend Carolina, woo!! Team power!)

So... happy Thanksgiving! And remember, fellow Leek Geek squad, if you are waiting to post until you have something dazzling... don't! Let's just let our hair down, show each other our messy kitchens, share our frustrations and challenges in cooking, our grainy badly-lit food pictures, our little inspirations, and okay, our pretty triumphs! I just want to know how y'all are... what you're up to... even if you're pregnant and ordering in all the time... tell me how that's working for you, and how you feel about that! If you're eating out a lot, tell me where and what you ate and how it was! If your garden failed, that's newsworthy! Tell me... what's cookin!?

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